So easy to use for cadet pilots due to basic user interface.
Pro Questions
Question bank are prepared by proffessional airline pilots.
Ofline Storage.
You need to connect the internet only downloading live data,
otherwise the app is used with offline storage.
Support dark mode for eye sensetive user interface. You can change
dark or light mode according to the device settings.
Support light mode for eye sensetive user interface. You can
change dark or light mode according to the device settings.
You can also use the application on your iPad. But please don't
forget that you can use this app with max 2 devices at the same
time for better user experince.
The app has over 2200 questions of Private Pilot Licence Exam. You
can filter your test and also the app save your test history to
show your improvement.
Interactive test screen that gives feedback immediately to you.
You can add question flag to any question as you wish in order to
filter test in the test settings screen for better study.
You can see or add to information of seen question at real exam to
our data in order to help other cadets.
You can test yourself with real exam functionality.
PPL Question Bank
Study over 2200 questions for Private Pilot Licence Exam.